
English text collection

The Grail Movement - much darkness in the light of truth!

www.die-gralsbewegung.org; on January 20, 2023

God's Holy Judgment.pdf
PDF-Dokument [14.3 KB]
PDF-Dokument [80.7 KB]
_Forerunners for the word.pdf
PDF-Dokument [99.6 KB]
Help - S.Schwartzkopff.pdf
PDF-Dokument [69.6 KB]
PDF-Dokument [70.9 KB]
PDF-Dokument [122.8 KB]
PDF-Dokument [163.7 KB]
Karfreitag 1932 E tr.docx.pdf
PDF-Dokument [65.5 KB]
Light Happening.pdf
PDF-Dokument [96.2 KB]
Let there be Light.doc.pdf
PDF-Dokument [144.3 KB]
Easter 2016.pdf
PDF-Dokument [253.6 KB]
My Goal.pdf
PDF-Dokument [12.5 KB]
PDF-Dokument [86.5 KB]
Easter 1932.pdf
PDF-Dokument [101.7 KB]
I am not founding a new sect.pdf
PDF-Dokument [191.5 KB]
The Song of Longing.doc
Microsoft Word-Dokument [29.5 KB]
The Free Grail Movement.pdf
PDF-Dokument [43.1 KB]
The First Threads.pdf
PDF-Dokument [46.8 KB]
Christmas 1934.pdf
PDF-Dokument [36.1 KB]
Battle Readinesst.pdf
PDF-Dokument [19.2 KB]
The Cosmic Turning Point.pdf
PDF-Dokument [27.0 KB]
Declaration of July 9.pdf
PDF-Dokument [12.2 KB]
Man and the Earth.pdf
PDF-Dokument [35.7 KB]
Where is the home of Abdruschin.pdf
PDF-Dokument [39.6 KB]


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  • Sam joe (Mittwoch, 14. April 2021 11:13)

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  • Niall O'Neill (Freitag, 24. Januar 2020 00:50)

    It seems that this may be the first comment on this part of the site, and so perhaps pertinent in that I comment on the art and religion of love. The essay entitled living and loving helps greatly in explaining how to distinguish between a truly loving way with a genuine conviction and living selflessly aright according to the Will of the Almighty, and a symbiotic, selfish form of living and loving, which leads to the many forms that are competitive, possessive and contain power struggles with a strong urge to dominate or be dominated, within the master-slave domains of the Darkness, which reigns oer the earth at the current time.

    Indeed, I had to leave a woman not so long ago, as she wished to be possessed, and to possess, but as the writer of this essay says, if the spirit is truly open to the one true love of the Creator, he cannot err, and so senses the right path in every encounter he has, and follows this intuitive sense, despite the many recriminations, protestations and vindictive, false accusations that will naturally ensue due to a perceived rejection. He may grieve over their wrong actions for a time, but he knows to leave them to themselves, for no-one has the right to possess another. And the Lord spoke of the time when all would become free and strong within, so such abuses and misunderstandings cannot occur.

    And the Lord warned too in this type of situation that if a man shows a woman, or womanhood, the right way, they will initially be scorned, slandered, screamed at and abused, for it is perceived as an unloving gesture and act, despite the fact that one has actually fully respected them according to God's Laws. Sadly, they prefer the attentions of father figures, to the Love of the Almighty Father, for it suits their vanity to be flattered.

    However, the Lord then said that the day will come when they will thank you if you are such a gentleman, and although I do not work for thanks, but simply in service, it will be wonderful to see the merits of true spiritual beings being fully appreciated and honoured, for then we shall know that womanhood are approaching that time when they are awakening to their true task in Creation, and that the possibility of a Paradisical earth may soon blossom through the united streams of Love that will flow from luminous heights unto mankind through the high, sublime connections in Creation.
    And what a beautiful dream this is, womanhood in her purest and most enchanting state of glory. Then men will truly wish to serve women in the utmost honourable, truly loving ways, even to storm the heavens to help them, and that will prove to be a great blessing to both sexes, the discovery of the selfless art of love.

    Another aspect of this essay that I find inspiring and requires discernment and effort from all of us I feel, is that of living fully, yet being able to do so without forming attachments. Even some of the forerunners were unable to attain to this due to their ever constant desire to be and remain unattached, turning away from sons and would-be beautiful wives, thus perhaps illustrating they were living in fear of forming close and intimate relationships, and running away from experiencing the exultant joy that can result from working with your heart in the Laws of the Almighty alongside complementary partners, be it the same sex, or more especially the opposite sex.
    It seems to me that true love though cannot know fear, as it unerringly takes the path shown by his or her Creator and he or she lives with their heart worn on their sleeve, drawing from the eternal sustenance of the Ray of Love, with heart abounding, and we should delight in this, even in the suffering that at this time will come to all of us before we can breathe once more of the purest joys of a resurgent, spirtual springtime for all men. For as the author recommended, it is time to be duly grateful for the very breath of life that we have received, and we can only truly experience this through courageous, selfless giving according to the Laws of Creation, and thus thereby loving these laws and God with all our might and hearts.

    Please do not respond to this, it was simply a passing moment of joy that came to me as I read the aforementioned essay, which was gratifying as few people have spoke upon the subject of love with such precision and acumen. Another wonderfully enlightening essay for any readers passing through!